Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Coming Soon: Hot Fuzz

I can't wait to see Hot Fuzz. It's brought to us from the folks who gave us the great zombie flick Shaun of the Dead (one of my top 10 favorite movies of all time EVER). Simon Pegg stars as one of London's finest, a supercop who takes down the bad guys with a real John Woo flair. He gets somehow transferred from the big city to serve in a tiny little podunk town out in the sticks where nothing much happens and gets paired off with a somewhat incompetent partner. And then these murders start happening in the town and hijinks ensue. Looks pretty funny. Opens in the US on April 20th, but sadly, only in limited release. Which means I'm going to have to truck my ass clear down into Dallas to see it at some cheesy movie grill type place.

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