Showing posts with label Best Things Ever. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Best Things Ever. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

i has a pug

I gotta get this. It makes me laugh every single time I look at it.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

New flavor of Promised Land milk!

Mooberry Blueberry!! It's very good. And it's purple!

I love Promised Land milk. It's so yummy. And it comes in these lovely little old-fashioned glass milk jugs. Perfect for the chugging.

Also, you can vote for the next seasonal flavor of milk on their website. They'll even send you coupons if you ask for them.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The Cure in Austin

So I was not as enterprising as some folks and didn't smuggle in my camera, but I think the memory of being about TWENTY FEET AWAY FROM ROBERT SMITH will forever be burned in my brain. We were pretty damn close. They played for nearly 3 hours and sounded GREAT. This is the third time I've seen them and it was by far the best show yet! A helpful person posted the set list here. As you can see, they played a LOT of old stuff, which was really cool. And it was just the 4 piece band: two guitars, bass, and drums - no keyboard. So good...

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Disintegration is the best album EVER!!!

Going to see The Cure in Austin next Sunday!!! SOOOOOOOO jazzed! They're playing Dallas on the 6th, but American Airlines Center is just too damn big. So me and my buddy bleebers are heading down to Austin to see the show at Austin Music Hall, which is a smaller venue.