Sunday, March 11, 2007

Book Review: Night Play - by Sherrilyn Kenyon

Synopsis: Night Play is #8 in Sherrilyn Kenyon's Dark-Hunters series. This one is about Vane, a Were-Hunter wolf. Were-Hunters are a human/animal race that can change form into a particular kind of animal. They can also travel through time and have other magical powers. The heroine, Bride, is a plus-sized gal (with all of the accompanying food/image hangups) who owns a women's fashion boutique in the French Quarter of New Orleans. Vane first sees Bride during a brief scene in Night Embrace, but the two don't really meet until this book. He is inexplicably drawn to her one night when he sees her through her shop window. They have a brief encounter, which neither of them expects to lead anywhere... until they discover afterward that they are destined for each other. But there's som bad blood between Vane and his family that threatens them both. We also visit Sanctuary in this book, a bar that serves as the focal point for the plot in future novels, including Unleash the Night.

This book and Seize the Night are probably tied at #2 in my favorites of this series. I LOVE the heroine in this book. She's funny, adorable, and tough! I like how Kenyon isn't afraid to create a heroine with real image issues. Bride's not plus-sized in a curvy, size 12 kind of way. She's described as a "solid size 18." And Vane really loves her just as she is - without trying to change her and make her into something she "should" be. It's refreshing to see this in a literary genre where so many of the heroines are modeled after Barbie dolls.

This one got 5 stars in my LibraryThing catalog

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