Thursday, May 17, 2007

The Hollywood Librarian movie

The library community is all in a froth over the upcoming release of The Hollywood Librarian: A Look at Librarians Through Film, a documentary film about librarians and what they really do. According to the site, it is "the first full-length documentary film to focus on the work and lives of librarians." It will chronicle the profession through commentary and clips of American movies that have portrayed librarians, as well as showing interviews with several real-live librarians in the trenches. Exciting stuff.

The trailer has been making the rounds among the various librarian listservs and blogs lately and, as a 30-something librarian, I feel compelled to point out that the clip doesn't seem to show a whole lot of folks in my age-bracket. I personally know a lot of other young librarians in their 20's and 30's, so I truly hope that the film makes an effort to show the broad range of ages and backgrounds of people drawn to this profession.

The Hollywood Librarian is set to premiere this summer at the American Library Association annual conference held in Washington, DC. (wish I was going...)

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