Tuesday, May 22, 2007

BookMooch: for all your book-moochin needs

Love the lovely BookMooch.

I've been using it for a couple of weeks now and really like it. The basic process is: You put up books you own that you're willing to give away to other people. Other people put up books they're willing to give away to other people. When somebody puts up a book you want, you mooch it from them and they mail it to you. When somebody mooches a book from you, you mail it to them. All anybody pays is the cost of postage.

It all works on a point system. You get a point for every 10 books you add to your "Inventory" of books you're willing to give away. You also get a point for every book you mail out to someone. When you mooch a book from someone else, a point is deducted from your account.

The best part is, BookMooch does all the legwork for you. You can create a "Wishlist" of books you really want. As soon as someone adds one of your wishlisted books to their Inventory, BookMooch automatically sends them an email requesting that they send the book to you. You can even import books into your Inventory from other places like LibraryThing. And of course, the entire BookMooch inventory is searchable.

I tend to keep all the books I read, but I did have about a dozen or so lying around that I didn't want to keep for one reason or another. I've already sent out 4 books and had several sent to me and more on the way. I think it's a great way to get those books you're having trouble tracking down anywhere else, or don't want to pay high dollar for.

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