Sunday, December 28, 2008

Re-reading is fun!

I'm currently doing a massive re-reading of Sherrilyn Kenyon's Dark-Hunters series. I just finished up re-reading all the books that I've already read and have finally gotten into the newer ones I haven't read yet.

Still, I'm having trouble keeping all these Dark-Hunter books straight in my head, so I'm posting a full listing of all the books and short stories in the series (in proper reading order, of course) - with links to my reviews of each. I'm going to have to re-number them in the original posts probably since I was missing a few at the time (yes I am that obsessive). I'll also be editing the list to make additions as needed. *sigh* Kind of annoying to rehash all of this, but since this is all just for my own personal benefit anyway, who cares!?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So are you, miss-indelible-Bear-and- 4bear. That's quite funny. We'll have
quite verily lottsa gobbsa valueFULL
exciting joy-unheard-of in the Great
Beyond, in Seventh-Heaven, dear, if
yoo join this feebleEXmortal in the
Elysian Fields4eternity. Here's how:
● ●
Cya soon, miss adorable...